What can I say ..... I really took my Scarlet O'Hara philosophy to the extreme this time.....
"I will worry about that tomorrow" Well now it is time to catch up. I have so much to show, tell and ask you about.
The photo above was taken on Wednesday morning when we awoke to snow! It is all gone today and will be in the high 60's this weekend. Hurry Spring....I am ready for you!!!!

Look at my trashy swap that I received from Janene.I was excited to have her for my partner, but also a little intimidated because as you all know she is the queen of Goodwill. I had to make sure I sent her something she did not already have.
I am loving everything she did for me and I can not wait to find a special place for each piece,
but it will have to wait a little bit because......
we have been letting the children write on the walls...

Tearing out paneling and messy.messy sheet rock...

Mary-Kate is kicking out walls in her PJ's (how many kids have done that?)

We tore out the yucky carpet

and tossed it outside where Nigel thought it was a new bed.
Joey put in a beam where the load beading wall was

and a column....

Well, it is just a 4x4 post right now but it will look nice when we wrap it up. Please excuse the mess, we just pushed furniture from one spot to another while we did the floor.....LOVE my new floor!(we put down 478 sq ft of it) We still have to do trim work, new lighting, replace that ugly door and if the budget allows....cover the ceiling in bead board.
So now 3 small rooms and the kitchen are all one open area. Our 18 year old son said "Mama this is like a whole new house!"
I have got my furniture in place and we are gonna bring my dining room table in from storage. I hope we still remember how to eat at a table! I can't wait to decorate...and show the big reveal of the whole area.
I Will be back to show you some made over furniture pieces.... and some curtains I am tyring to decide on....promise!