After showing yall my tobacco sticks, someone suggested I make some stars....well I am way ahead of you girls! I made these a few weeks back. They are hanging on the doors of my pantry cabinet, oh I haven't shown you that before! I designed (that means I told him what to do) and my sweet husband made it for me. I have always wanted a pantry, but I have never had one. So we made one. I purchased the old doors for 10$. I keep my microwave, toaster oven and all my dry goods in there. No, you don't need to see in there. Anyway I will be making alot more stars....I want a huge one for my chimney and I already have some local ladies wanting some. Busy, busy...
Now I had to go to town today to restock at Walmart so....You know I had to make my thrift store rounds! Lookie Lookie!
I found a neat wood bowl on a pedestal, another round wood bowl, a little wood crate. some new candle molds, a pack of pipe cleaners (you never know when you might need those) 3 pie pans, a vintage sifter and masher. The plaid you see is a big wool time you see will be an ugly punkin!
Oh and last but not least the stitched table cloth that is laying underneath it all! Am I lucky or just good!