Well...not taking much off today! I lost one pound! I was really upset at first...because I felt like I had lost more. So I went into the meeting, and I am sure it showed on my face (my lips were pooched out)I am sure! Anyway Our leader is talking about how you will have slow weeks and she said to think of it like this......you have alot of birds and you are tyring to get them back in their cage, if you try to catch them all at once, you won't be able to do it. But if you get one, put it in (shut the door) then get another and so on...you will be able to get all the birds back in the cage!
Okay..I get it...patience.
My birds are probably coo coo birds!
Anyway I was putting up the groceries ...and I saw this pack of ham...1 pound...okay that is a lot of meat. So I feel better now, at least I am moving in the right direction.
I had a big package on my porch when I got home today....

This is what is in the box...ProForm Momentum Elliptical.
Now I must admit... this is not my first piece of exercise equipment, I have had many, many things that eventually made there way to the yard sale.
But my husband and I both like this...and it works everything! HSN had free shipping and I love the flex pay....check it out here, watch the video to see how it works.
So if you smell something burning ....it is ....FAT!!!
Cause you can bet your booty, I am gonna get to my pot of gold!!!